Homeschooling started in our house again on Monday. Monday and Tuesday was really great. Brenda finished her first kindergarten math book, we worked on reading, and memory work. She likes Dominick's school much more than her own. Of course she does! It's super easy for her and a lot more hands on.
Brenda has been sick the rest of the week. I thought she was over it this morning, but her fever came back around lunch time.
I started a new curriculum with Dominick. This week we learned that the Bible is God's treasure. The kids went on a treasure hunt to find a treasure box with an Adventure Bible in it.
X marks the spot
We then decorated the treasure box and are storing our supplies for Dominick's school in it.We also made a treasure map, made binoculars, studied the letter X and learned the song "The B-I-B-L-E".
Since we only did half a week of the lesson, we will be continuing the letter X next week. I'm hoping Brenda's all better soon, and the weather warms up, because I was looking forward to our field trip. We are going on an exploration in the back yard with magnifying glasses.
*My Second June Bug*
I'm 17 weeks today! I bought Baby it's first new outfit this week and blanket. I couldn't resist. It's a girl outfit, because I think we're having a girl. I figured it was safe to buy since I have a few friends who are also pregnant and they are all having girls, so if Baby is a boy then I have presents for my friends.
I felt the baby a lot on Monday. It was awesome. That has to be the coolest feeling in the world! Unfortunately, I haven't felt her/him much since. Once to be exact. I know it's still early (I didn't feel Brenda until 20 weeks), but I wish baby would kick me just once today, so that I know everything is alright. If nausea is any predictor, than she/he is fine. I seem to be ok in the morning, but afternoon kills me. This baby is official my second june bug. I pray next week will be better heath wise for us.
*My Husband*
One of my new year's resolutions is to get closer to my husband. We have been doing a challenge/activity together every day off a relationship calendar I found online and so far we both love it. I can't wait for our date tonight. We are going to take a quiz together. Ok, I know that sounds lame, but I love quizzes and Aaron is humoring me, because there are other days that have things he is more interested in for us to do like flirt with each other. How do you even do that?! I don't think I've ever flirted in my life, but I will humor him and I'm sure he will find my attempt more humorous than anything.
I'm also very proud of him. He won an award at work yesterday! Volunteer of the year! He has spent many weekends away this year training for the ministry he has at our church and working with the boys. It is a much deserved award for his commitment.
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