Friday, September 27, 2013

365 Days of Fun - Day #2

Brenda's Activity - Johnny Appleseed Hat

 Today we stayed with the Johnny Appleseed theme, because I thought Brenda would really enjoy this activity. Well, she enjoyed wearing the hat. Since she can't use scissors very well yet, I had to cut everything for her and I had to help her put it together. I basically did everything. The only thing she was really able to do was trace her name which I think she did an awesome job at. After we finished the hat, she watched the Disney cartoon about Johnny Appleseed.

 Showing off her new hat.

 Dominick's Activity - Tummy Textures

                                                                                                                                                         Dominick's activity was much more of a success. I gathered a bunch of baby toys and touched them to his tummy, so he could feel the texture of the toys

Brenda loved helping with this activity. I think she enjoyed this more than her own activity.
Dominick's favorite was the owl, because it vibrated. I'm guessing it tickled.

 Activity grades:

3. Johnny Appleseed Hat - D+
      The final product was fun, but making it was not. I think this would have been better for an older kid. I might try this again in a few years.

4. Tummy Textures - A-
      Another good activity for a 3 month old. It was simple and gave us a way to play with his toys before he can really play with his toys.

 My kids and I had a pretty good day. We did other things besides the activities. Brenda's favorite thing was hide and seek. We also pretended to be a cat and practiced hunting and pouncing on a stuffed bunny. Dominick is a total doll baby. Here are my favorite pictures of him today:

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